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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Plans Are Being Offered By Cemetery Guatemala; Choose With Care

Earlier we did not have any say about how our last rites should take place. Everything was done according to the dictates of the Church. What is more, people generally did not bother much about that; the surviving members did whatever they had to. However, the scenario has changed since then; we are more independent now and so we like to decide everything in advance. The churches too have become more lenient in their views and so we have wider choice now.

Most religious people would opt for burial as their first choice because it is in keeping with the beliefs of Christianity. It is true that Orthodox Church still holds burial as the proper method of funeral instead of cremation but there is no such ruling against cremation as a mode of final disposal in Christianity. Protestants openly accepted cremation as a valid mode of final disposal centuries ago but Catholics can also go along with it because Christianity does not forbid cremation as such. You can seek help of cemetery Guatemala services to sort out these issues.

It is important to note that buying a memorial plan while one is still alive has become the standard norm now. They have quite a few advantages.

¢ Firstly, it offers you a scope for exploring all other avenues. Although most devout Christians automatically opt for burial, know that there is actually nothing pagan about cremation.
¢ Burial is quite an expensive process; by buying a plan in advance, you can lift the financial burden off your family's shoulders.
¢ As you are making the full payment at today's price level, you can beat the price rise that is sure to take place by the time you actually die.

The dilemma faced in choosing between cremation and burial is not limited to religious beliefs but also presents an emotional challenge to the person. If someone decides to go along with cremation but his close ones are not mentally prepared for it, then it can be a cause of concern. It needs to be openly discussed with close ones to come to an intelligent decision but also not hurt the sentiments of your dependents. There are also practical reasons associated with choosing the mode of final disposal which you need to consider before going in for cemetery Guatemala services.

However, before you actually opt for cremation, do consult either your church or some well-established funeral service provider about it. Know that the Orthodox Church still holds burial as the only valid means for final disposition of the dead bodies and although the Roman Catholic Church has accepted cremation as legal, it still has some reservation about it and so has put forward certain stipulations in this regard. The Protestant Church on the contrary has long ago accepted cremation as one of the legal methods. Most of them also have created a nook called "Garden Of Remembrance" on which the remains can be scattered.

However, the religious sentiments are not the only dilemma one has to face while making such a choice. The emotional side is also very important. Indeed, before you pick up a plan, you must learn to listen to your own heart. At the same time, it is not enough to know what we want, what your family wants is important too. Indeed, funerals are as much important for the peace of the departed soul as they are for the well-being of those who have been left behind. If they find cremation to be too abrupt an end of existence, you may have to accept their views.

If your idea of a perfect funeral clashes with that of your family, you must either take time to convince them or be ready to go along with their wishes. Indeed, if you are logical in your argument, there cannot be any reason why they should not be influenced by your reasoning. For instance, an oft repeated argument against cremation is that, it does not leave any remain for resurrection. However, it is not at an issue because buried bodies too disintegrate in time. What is more, our Lord is too powerful to need remains to resurrect us. Indeed, cremation is not at all a hindrance to that.

However, not every cemetery Guatemala has is ill maintained or is prone to vandalism. Some are actually very well looked after and so if you prefer burial to cremation, you can opt for them. Indeed, it is your own spiritual belief which should guide you in this matter; therefore before you buy any memorial plan, you should look inside you and try to find out what actually you want. Do not let the outside world interfere with your thought; only make sure that it is in tandem with what your family thinks. You have cared for them in your life time; do not hurt them in your death.

Article by Dunbar Winston of FuneralesReforma, who is a specialist in hispanic estate planning. If you are interested in getting more information about cremacion Guatemala or simply would like to learn more about servicios funerarios, you should visit his site today as there are a lot of information that you will find useful.



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