It is important that you start planning for some things you may not have thought out before. This could save your close ones a heartache and bring you that much-needed peace of mind which can make it easier for you to accept the truth. What we are talking about is your final journey in to the unknown which begins with death. If you have bought a life insurance, it could be enough to take care of the needs of your dependents. However, you may need to think about going in for services of a funeral home Guatemala which can make it easier for you to ensure that your last rites are carried out as they should have been.
If you indeed love your family, buy a funeral plan today. You see, making proper funeral arrangement is more essential for the surviving family than for the departed. It is only through such ceremonies, that the mourners learn to accept death and to start life afresh. However, if they fail to arrange it in the way they had hoped to, they may start feeling guilty about it and may carry such feelings within their heart all their life. However, this can be avoided, if you purchase a plan in your life time only.
However, purchase of funeral plans does not only involve money matters. Yes, financial aspect of it is very important. If you buy the plan today, you will be able to lock up the cost at today's level and consequently, even if the prices increase over time, no more payment is to be made. However, there are more important aspects to consider as well. For example, it is only you who can decide the mode of your final disposition. If you want to be cremated, it is only you who can decide that.
One may opt for cremation instead of burial which is not that much unconventional these days as more and more people are opting for cremation as the preferred mode of final disposal as compared to burial. However, it is important to understand that there are several aspects to making this choice which involve primarily emotional and personal choices. It is also a matter of religious concern because your religious principles lay down how you are supposed to be set at peace with the divine.
One of the reasons why people opt for cremation over burial is the issue of land usage which is not taken care of in burial and one will not be able to use the land again for another burial. In cremating a person, the land does not get blocked out and can be used for another cremation. Religious issues also matter a great deal because in Christianity is usually considered better to opt for a burial instead of cremation. In this matter also, a funeral home Guatemala would assist you well in making this choice as a well-informed decision.
Therefore, if you choose cremation over burial, you can go ahead, but only after you convince your family about it. In general, the objections are based on religious and emotional level while the pro points are all based on practical aspects. Let us take up the advantages first.
¢ Cremation is always cheaper because you do not need to pay for any burial plot or expensive casket.
¢ Instead the land and the money can be saved for the living.
¢ The whole process is simple and short. The body returns to dust in couple of hours.
It is also important to note that the Churches are no longer as averse to cremation as they were even few years ago. Know that:
¢ The Protestant Church has accepted cremation as a valid method of final disposition quite some time ago and has created niches where the ashes can be spread.
¢ The Roman Catholic Church has taken some time, but has finally accepted it with some stipulations.
¢ It is only the Orthodox Church, which is totally against the practice.
Therefore, before you opt for cremation, it is always wiser to consult your local church on that. All other choices should depend entirely on you and your family. Therefore, along with talking to the church and the director of the funeral home you should also consult your family. What is more, do take time to decide what you want; as I said, such things are important not only for the departed soul, but also for those who are left behind. However, if you do not have any immediate family member, buying such plans is all the more necessary; it is only that, in such cases, you have greater freedom to choose; that is all.
Article by Dunbar Winston of FuneralesReforma, who is a specialist in hispanic estate planning. If you are interested in getting more information about cremacion Guatemala or simply would like to learn more about servicios funerarios, you should visit his site today as there are a lot of information that you will find useful.
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