There are substances that may inhibit the brain from doing its functions so people need to abstain from taking those. The health of the brain may be maintained especially when it is kept free from toxins that prevent it from functioning efficiently. It is important to learn what to avoid so that you can eliminate memory loss. There are different tips that discussed here for people to benefit from. You don't get satisfied of having poor memory, you have to improvememorytechniques of yours.
People need to be aware that free radicals abound and they continuously strike body systems including the brain and its functions. Aside from toxins from the surroundings, habitual smoking and fatty foods increase the chances of people to get exposed to free radicals.
There is a need for people to prevent these free radicals from attacking their bodies by having enough supply of antioxidants from food and from supplements. Individuals should see to it that they get enough B 12 from liver, milk or eggs. There is also a need for individuals to eat carrots and vegetables rich in folic acid. There are such vitamins that helps you in improvingyourmemory.
The brain may not be able to function well because of neurotoxins. The use of products with toxic substances should be avoided if possible but if not, people will have to make sure that they wear something that would protect them from getting into direct contact with the harmful chemicals.
Alcohol and marijuana may come as the next most common suppressants. Alcohol intake may help people for awhile but they may end up feeling just the same especially when the effect has gone down. Constant consumption of alcohol may lead to improper sleep patterns, depression and more stress in the end. Other negative consequences include impaired brain function.
Alcohol may contain empty calories and do not give the vital nutrients that the body needs to keep it healthy and functioning well. Alcohol intake that is done as a habit may affect the mental functions of people as seen in the results of minds tests on spatial and visual perception when given to those who are classified as habitual drinkers. Abstaining from alcohol may help people to reverse its ill effects especially on the memory recall. They have to understand though that if the drinking is not stopped; permanent damage and memory loss may be expected.
Marijuana may be regarded by many as not harmful to their health. While marijuana does help patients suffering with chronic pain or nausea that does not mean that it spares their memories. People may also suffer lack of attention span as well. Those who decide to stop using marijuana may experience side effects because of it contains tetrahydrocannibanol that is stored in fat cells. It may have negative effects on the brain functions but people do not easily quit. It may take people more than their will to stay away from it once they are into it.
Prescribes drugs may help people though they may also be the cause of memory loss. Antidepressant drugs may alter the functioning of neurotransmitters and people may have problems with retaining information in their brains. Antipsychotic medicines like Thorazine and Zypreza are mind zappers as well. Those who have to take such drugs for medication must be informed of all of the adverse effects of it on their brain functions.
For those who plan to improve their brain abilities, they have to get proper sleep, eat the right kind of foods and keep themselves away from toxins.
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