Since most information that we absorb comes in the form of written text, speed reading has value for most people. Let's say that you need to read hundreds of pages for a college exam. Maybe you are a businessperson trying to skim through manuals on a new technique to boost sales. Whoever you are, speed reading is a beneficial skill that most people need. You can definitely learn the skill. The skill, once mastered, will give you the ability to read two times as fast at a bare minimum. Let's begin.
Have you heard of the term subvocalize? It is something that many readers do today. What this means is that you are using your mental voice and saying them in your head. This is also called subvocalization. Basically, it consists of the many stages we go through as we learn to read. First we say them out loud, then mouth the words, and then we say them in our head. Reading a poem, or the lyrics to a song, are examples of subvocalization. You could be reading to your child before bedtime. Subvocalization, sadly, is the slowest way that anybody can read despite its entertainment value. Reading in the slow manner is habit forming, a habit that needs to stop if you are ever to read faster. It is important that you bypass the connection between your mind and eyes, and ignore your ears while learning how to do this. When you subvocalize, you slow yourself down! That is why, in order to increase your reading speed, you need to stop the subvocalization process. Speed reading is important especially for students. Some learners from different ultrasound technician schools have this kind of skill.
Next, make sure that the text you are about to read is in a position that is easy to understand. Individuals that struggle with this technique often have poor vision which adds to their struggles.
Children, specifically, need to have good vision for this. You may need to have an eye exam. To do this, call your family ophthalmologist and set an appointment as soon as possible. It may be necessary for you to get glasses. Your speed reading should dramatically increase after you have your prescription glasses. You will also be able to focus on the material for a longer period of time. This is actually helpful especially for individuals who applied for an ultrasound technician programs or some other programs that requires a lot of reading.
The next thing you should do is organize your material in such a way that will help you read faster than normal. In most nonfiction books, it is common to see outlines and subheadings that can help you process the information. Once you scan this material briefly, you will have a better idea of what you are going to read which will improve your overall reading speed dramatically. The way you do this is simple: you skim the entire book looking at headings, subheadings, as well as the table of contents - basically anything that stands out. By doing this, you will have an idea of what to look for as you read. Instead of processing any of the filler, you absorb key portions of the book very rapidly instead. Speed reading is a more important ability today than ever before, as there's just so much information to absorb. Whether you read for school, business or pleasure, think of the advantage of being able to read two, three or four times as many books and other material as you do now! You'll be able to take in more books, magazines, websites and so forth in a fraction of the time. So, the faster you apply the advice in this article, the sooner you will be able to cut your reading time down and learn so much more.
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