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Sunday, December 9, 2012

How You Can Reap The Benefits Of A Positive Environment

It's thought that we are often the result of our environment and the people we surround ourselves with.

This can be considered a bad or a good thing, according to the person. You might have had the fortune to grow up in a loving and supportive environment. On the other hand, you might have grown up in quite an uninspiring, bland environment - this may even describe your current place of work.

Whatever your circumstances, it is important to keep in mind that regardless of your environment and the people that surround you - you are in charge of you - and that's all that matters.

It is as the Law of Attraction teaches - you are the sole creator of your reality (see - ). Understanding that you are the sole, powerful creator of your reality should prove to be the springboard you need to transform your life for the better.

What We Resist - Persists

Sadly, when we resist something it will only persist, which is why when we are unhappy with something that we must first learn to accept it for what it is. This should not be mistaken for giving up. Learning how to accept something that brings us unhappiness, is about coming to peace with something to allow us the breathing space we need to make decisions for our greater happiness. It's about learning to let go of the resistance and negativity that is currently distracting us, to make room for greater, more positive changes.

If your environment is causing you unhappiness and stress then as opposed to fighting it, learn to accept it for what it is now. Decide to switch your focus from all that you hate about your work place/accomodation/town to instead, concentrate on your reasons for being there. It could be to make the steady income that you need to feed your family, or to help you save for your own accommodation (see - law of attraction in love ). Remind yourself that you're here for a positive reason and let your thoughts be consumed with this positivity.

3 Tips To Safeguard Against A Negative Environment

When escaping a damaging environment seems out of the question, here are 3 helpful suggestions you can use to help you move forward with your day:

1.Find Solace

Whether you're at home, in the office or out and about - having your own form of solace which you can turn to, can be helpful for keeping your peace of mind and managing your stress levels. From yoga and meditation to an inspirational book - create for your own benefit a form of sanctuary, which will help you to feel better in a matter of minutes.

2.Avoid The Media

The news bombards us with negativity on a daily basis. So, for the sake of your sanity try giving the news a miss from time to time. Try listening to an uplifting or calming CD.

3.Say 'No' To Alcohol

In such a busy day and age, it is now usual for people to finish their day with a drink or two to unwind. This may seem innocent enough, but when you have been feeling the pressures of a negative environment alcohol will only serve to heighten your emotions - bringing the buried anger and resentment of your day to the surface.

Look for the best in every situation; if you do not like your environment, let your attitude change it! For more information on the Law of Attraction and how it can help you, see - discover the top 10 law of attraction books .



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