The Law of Attraction teaches that what we give our attention to most is what we attract back into our lives (see - remove negativity ). Consequently, when we nurture positive thoughts and look for the positives in our lives - this is reflected in our own lives; and vice versa with the negatives.
But exactly how do we ensure that our thoughts and energies are ones of positivity? Or even better, is it even possible to turn a blind eye to the many negatives that we see around us in our lives?
The answer is yes - with the power of gratitude!
Gratitude Is Love
Whenever we feel grateful for something; be it our family, our households, our secure job or even the chair that we're currently sitting on - we emit our highest, most positive frequency yet. As we experience gratitude, there is no room in our thoughts or our energies for anything apart from love. Therefore, when we experience gratitude we are not capable of feeling fear or negativity - making it the perfect remedy to negative thoughts and emotions!
If it is true that what we give our attention to is what we manifest in our lives, then it is obvious to see why the benefits of gratitude for a happy life are innumerable (see - law of attraction and love ). Are you experiencing challenging times? Then focus your attention on trying to find reasons for gratitude. No matter how despairing a scenario may seem at the time, you will always be able to find reasons for gratitude - be it the simple fact that you're alive or that you have learnt a valuable life lesson.
Regardless how few things you find to be thankful for, just be sure to concentrate on the few things that you do find and you'll notice your outlook becoming more positive.
An Exercise In Gratitude
So, do you want to find out how an attitude of gratitude could change your life for the better?
A simple exercise used by many, is the gratitude journal exercise - even Oprah is a fan of this! It is incredibly simple to do; every day you write in your journal 5 reasons why you're feeling grateful.
As you begin to find reasons to be grateful in your life, you will notice that your outlook becomes more and more positive. Until you are overcome with endless reasons to be grateful in your life!
An example of what you write in your journal might look like this:
Today I am grateful for...
-Waking up in a warm bed
-The view outside of my office window
-Coffee with my friend
-My health
It is important to remember that gratitude is something that needs to be expressed, which is what makes this exercise so perfect.
So, no matter where you are in your life right now, remember to take some time out now and again to look at your life and find reasons to be grateful. No matter how bad things may feel right now, you will be surprised at how many reasons you find to be thankful - and the instant boost that this gives you.
For more information on the Law of Attraction and what it can do for you, see .
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