Believe it or not one of the most important communication skills is silence! No matter how good you are in speaking, you'll lose out in a big way if you don't listen carefully when others are speaking. Good communication requires not only speaking your piece but the exchange of ideas is an essential component. Do you sometimes find conversations lagging because you weren't really listening? When you're bored, do you space out in class? If you want to improve your listening skills, keep reading and discover surefire ways on how to do so. You'll soon gain a reputation as a great conversationalist!
Dale Carnegie, in his famous book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' emphasized the importance of improving listening skills in making friends. It's a fact that a lot of people enjoy talking about themselves. You can't fault them because it's natural. We usually have a lot to say when it comes to ourselves and our interests. Asking questions of another person is a good way to break the ice and get that person talking. Conversely, it's an excellent way for you to learn something new and interesting.
Take for example being invited to a party where you don't really know a lot of the guests. Make a point to go talk to the wallflower. Be proactive even if this person is shy. What need to do is try drawing her out of her shell. Go ahead and ask her questions. Not only will you learn new facts, but you'll also make a new friend.
Listen carefully to the speaker when you're in a class that you're sure will put you to sleep. Either you're simply not interested or the speaker doesn't communicate well which is why you find it dull. To make the speaker clarify his point, go ahead and ask questions. Doing this will improve your listening skills, benefit the speaker and maybe even get a better grade in return.
Another excellent way to improve your listening skills is talking to kids. Talking and explaining things to grown-ups is what kids love to do. When they talk about simple ideas, they use a lot of words but when it comes to profound statements, only a few words are used. Before getting to the point, the discussion may get out of hand so you need to listen carefully. Again, ask questions and learn!
In short the best way to improve listening skills is to really engage yourself in conversation. Learning what others think is what you need to do. You'll be amazed at what you learn and even make friends along the way.
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